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Ernest Carl Christensen, just before he entered the army in February 1942
Sigga Nora Hvidtfeldt Gehrcke
Viola Benedikte Lundberg
Olivia Benedikte Lundberg


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Decleration of Intention for Alfred Gierke
State of Nebraska, Washington County, in the District Court of 4th Judicial Dist.
Alfred Jorgen Amelius Gierke, aged 22 years, occupation Laborer, do declare on oath that my personal description is: Color: White, Compexion: Fair, Height 5 feet, 9 inches. Weight: 155 pounds, color of hair: Light, Color of eyes: Gray.
I was born in Horsens, Denmark,
on the 8th day of August, anno Domini 1890; I now reside at Arlington, Nebraska.
I emigrated to the United States of America from Copenhagen, Denmark on the vessel Hellig Olav, my last foreign residense was Skanderborg, Denmark, 
It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, and particularly to Christian X, King of Denmark, of whom I am now a subject;
I arrived at the port of New York in the State of New York, on or about the 29th day of November, anno Domini 1910: I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to permanently reside therin:
So Help me God. Alfred Gierke's World War One Draft Registration Card. This card is from the June 5, 1917 registration. Orla Gehrcke and wife Kirsten Larsen. Taken at Orla's 60 year birthday Kristine Sejer Gehrcke and Karoline Sejer Rønnow Gehrcke Wedding day photo of Robert Kopp and Hulda Norton Kopp. Erin og Adam Tower Maja Brønsgaard Händel Alfred Gierke (born Gehrcke) Don & Leona Steinbeisser Sommeren 2005.
Vibeke Gjerke Worsøe in Italy. Mads Brøndsgaard Gehrcke and Mike Gehrcke at Mads' baptisement Ulrik Grarup Gehrcke and Kim Catharina Johansen Hans Aage Gehrcke and Gudrun Pedersen Balle's wedding Borgergade 16, Skanderborg. Hans was born here Karina Gehrcke and her son Mike Jan Gehrcke and Irina Handberg's wedding picture, September 24. 2005 Hans Aage Gehrcke 1967 Jan and Irina Gehrcke on Svanholm Estate at Anna's 50 year birth day 4. Aug.2005
Victor Gjerke Worsøe har fanget sin første regnbue ørred. Victor mente hans held skyldtes han havde morfars fiske kniv med. Magda Gehrcke som ung Jørn Rasmussen Lundberg Hans Gehrcke and Gudrun Balle Hans Aage and Gudrun Gehrcke's 50 year wedding aniversory March 29. 2006 Ulrik Grarup Gehrcke and Anika Grarup Gehrcke Dansborg Hans Aage Gehrcke

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